It’s August, it must be…Marmalade Day!


marm1It’s the annual marmalade making weekend in the house of chopsticks; a day of scrubbing, juicing, chopping and boiling, followed by a few hours of boiling sugar, sterilising jars, and hey presto! A year’s worth of yummy preserves!



This year we tried a batch with some cardamom seeds just to see how that would work out. They’re the little black blobs in the jar above.

Lemon & Lime Marmalade

IMG_8416A friend from Berry, NSW, has had a huge crop of lemons and limes this year, and I was lucky enough to share in the bounty with a small sackful. The limes had ripened beyond green and were – apart from the size – almost indistinguishable from the lemons. Their unwaxed skins help fill the kitchen with their clean, fresh smell. Citrus is one of my favourite scents. Continue reading

Marmalade Time

August is Marmalade Time in Australia. I had a hunt around local greengrocers during the week until I finally found a small pile of squat, firm Sevilles, and snapped them up.

Marmalade making is a bit more time consuming than jam making, so it’s just as well it only happens once a year. The extra effort is, however completely worth it. Everyone says this about their homemade stuff, but seriously, no shop-bought in the world is as good as homemade marmalade. Continue reading